Shiatsu massage:The body is calm

Shiatsu massage:The body is calm

Japanese Shiatsu spot massage makes athletes out of the sick, geniuses out of the backward, and ideal wives out of ordinary wives. What kind of magic technique is this and how to get your own masseur right at home?

Don’t believe those who will say that Shiatsu is the same acupuncture. For some reason, they are often confused, although the two treatments have only a point principle in common. First, Shiatsu was born in Japan, not China.

Secondly, there are no needles for massage, the work is done with the help of hands or special rollers in massage chairs, and thirdly, they do not even have the same points to be worked on!

If in acupuncture they are always – strictly defined (the image of a person with labels where to treat diseases of the eyes, joints or internal organs can be found in any book about this method), the Japanese massage – a strictly individual thing and works in the area where a person feels discomfort.

The human body is moved by more than 450 muscles symmetrically attached to the bones. It is not surprising that after a long walk, cleaning of fallen leaves at the dacha and even a working day in a sitting position some of them are overstretched and tired. Point pressure on overworked muscles allows releasing accumulated lactic acid, relieve fatigue and pain, restore proper functioning.

To put it simply, Shiatsu is the evolved intuitive kneading of jammed muscles. Only when we press the shoulders ourselves sitting in front of the computer, the tension does not go anywhere, although it releases for a moment, and a professional will press until the right muscle completely relaxes. In fact, as a result of long observations of people pressing and rubbing sore spots, Takuiro Namikoshi of Japan invented the Shiatsu technique.

Since this massage helps not only to relax muscles, but also to accumulate internal energy of the body for independent fight against diseases, the spectrum of its effects is truly huge. Shiatsu is shown for viral and colds, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or cardiovascular system, of course – osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis, arthritis, scoliosis, he removes and intercostal neuralgia, headaches and circulatory disorders.

In the XXI century, people especially appreciate Shiatsu for the effective fight against insomnia, the removal of stress and anxiety levels, as well as the overall strengthening of immunity – classic problems of the inhabitants of the city. Men (secretly, but still) thank massage for increasing libido, and women often resort to Shiatsu for face to hide the signs of aging.

Fortunately, in today’s world, you don’t have to walk far for a pleasant vaccine. And by “far” we don’t even mean Japan, but a massage parlor. New technologies allow you to integrate Shiatsu technique directly into massage chairs, which can be installed at home or in the office, or massage capes, which are so convenient to use in the car (traffic jams have never been so welcome!).

MP Super Roller 600, for example, has three Shiatsu modes: for the whole back, for the lower or upper part. Simply select the desired area and four pairs of massage heads will do the rest – they have been specially designed to reproduce the hand massage with maximum precision.

But it’s even nicer to just sit back and relax in your chair when you’re not distracted by anything else. Trust professionals from Singapore’s development center AMA – if this country knows how to become advanced in 50 years from the backward, then to understand the massage technology for them – certainly not a problem.

Especially when research is done in such a multicultural country, where the best minds from all over the world come together. Thus, they have combined innovations in electronics and ancient Asian massage techniques, fertilized them with classic massage and highly effective methods of influence on the body, such as air or heat, and received seats.

The chair was collected in the homeland of health massage – in Japan. In addition, it was equipped with foot massage Gouache, the function of zero gravity (worth a try – thing!), heating, compression massage and, most importantly, the ability to scan the body with optical sensors.

This means that before each session, the chair itself carries out a full body scan to take into account the individual characteristics of the user in the process – here it is, the very personalized approach, for which so valued Shiatsu!

And while smart machines work on the body, the hands can work on the beauty and youthfulness of the face, especially since the complex science of Japanese massage has a couple of simple techniques that everyone can learn. For example, to eliminate the “goose’s feet” should be pressed with pads of fingers on the area located about 1 cm from the outer corner of the eye towards the temple.

The point on the lower edge of the cheekbones is responsible for the elasticity of the cheeks – it is enough to influence it for 7 seconds to tone the muscles. Massage the corners of your lips with your index and middle fingertips to prevent expression lines.
